MILE CLUB! December
29, 2007 - Last for 2007, but not least. Congratulations to
Nikki Ditsch for completing her 500 miles and
her husband, Gary, as a member of the 500 Mile Club. Way to
go! Nikki is an accomplished athlete and runs, bikes, and
swims her way to fitness. Check out her fitness
December 8, 2007 - The
Todds Road Stumblers were well represented at both the Kiawah Island
Marathon and the Rocket City Marathon. Steve Olson trained for
and started the Rocket City Marathon in spite of being ill, but used
good judgment and aborted the run to live and run another day.
Kiawah Island Rocket City
Chuck McQueen 3:47:53 Carol Miles 3:17:53 (First in her age group)
Jon Walker 3:51:45 Terry Ringle 3:42:45
Don Nicholson 3:56:26 Phil Waters 3:54:08
Jim Thornton 3:56:26 Larry Brown 3:59:45
Ed Dove 5:06:45
Ron Mayer 5:35:33
December 1, 2007 - Jim Thornton, Skip Rafferty, and Don Nicholson
(L to R in photo) have been running with the
for years but it seems they have not been logging their Saturday
morning miles. After Jim started whining (he's always the one
isn't he) about not being on the 500 Mile plaque it was noted that
Skip and Don weren't on it either. The TRS self appointed
executive committee reviewed their case, and after careful and
lengthy deliberation, decided to mark December 1 as the celebration
date of their 500 miles. Lest anyone else think they can get
away with not documenting their miles, be forewarned, these three
Stumblers had to get affidavits attesting to their years of
attendance at TR and get someone to vouch for their good moral
character. If you know these three you know that getting
someone to vouch for them was not an easy task.
Congratulations to Jim, Skip, and Don!
Tree Planting and Memorial Plaque
We're taking donations to
buy a tree and plaque in appreciation and memory of Mr. Doug Gay,
whose generosity and friendship helped make possible the Todds Road
Stumblers, along with the generosity of Mr. C., the original
Stumbler. The tree has been planted but we are still
collecting for a nice outdoor plaque. Suggested donation for
long-time Stumblers that can afford it (and you know who you are) is
$20. Of course we'll take that kind of donation from anyone,
but if you're a student or have other special circumstances, please
give what you comfortably can. See Marty, Barry, or Wes to
make your donations.
Tree and Plaque
Contributors to Date: January 19, 2008
Steve Olson
Martin Ginocchio Paul Walmsley Ernie Peel
Jim Pierce
Virgil Johnson
Dan Wells
Rhonda Uber Judy
& Mark Duncan Jim Thornton
waLLy Stefaniak
Barry Collins
Don Nicholson David Sheeks
Carol Miles
Wes Moody
Judy Collins
Jon Walker Neil Armstrong
Rhonda Morphew
Bill Sanborn
Chuck McQueen Phil
Herve Antoine
Tom Scally
John Trump
Terry Ringle
George VanMeter
November 10, 2007 - Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
No...it's SuperDave! HeHe..I've always wanted to say that (if
you don't
why you'll just have to come out and run with him some summer
morning). Congratulations to David Sheeks on his super
20, 2007 - It just kinda snuck up on her. The story goes that
Angela Combs recently decided to count up her Saturday
morning miles
and was surprised to learn that just one more Saturday morning run
with the Stumblers and she would become a member of the 500 Mile
Club. Way
to go Angela!
August 7, 2007 - On March 24th the Stumblers participated in the
annual Clark County litter pickup. We earned a "bounty" for
each mile of road that we cleaned up. We have made it a
practice to give back the money earned picking up litter to a
deserving organization in Clark County. The $480 received was
donated by the Stumblers to the Fannie Bush and Shearer Elementary
Schools Backpack Programs. This program is designed to meet
the needs of hungry children at times when other resources are not
available, such as weekends and school vacations. Susan Birch
of the Bush/Shearer Family Resource Center sent a very nice note
saying "I
would like to thank you and all of the Todd's Road Stumblers
for your recent donation to the Fannie Bush and Shearer Backpack
Programs. Our center oversees both programs, but each is sponsored
separately. We are truly grateful for community organizations, like
the Stumblers, for thinking of our children and their needs.
Without community support the Backpack Program would not be able to
continue. Thank you again for choosing our children to be the
recipients of your generosity. We really appreciate your support
for this wonderful program."
August 4, 2007 - Amy
Maggard ran her first 6 miles with the Stumblers on the original 6
mile loop and earned her t-shirt. 500 Mile
Tim Wiesenhahn brought Amy out and introduced her to the Stumblers.
Amy has only been running for 2 months but says she is "absolutely
hooked". She plans to run a mini marathon in the near future and by
the way she ran she is well on her way to being able to meet that
goal. Amy is easy to spot, look for the gal with the fabulous
smile and stop and introduce yourself.
July 7, 2007 - After 20
years, Beth (Collins) Hickey completed her 500 miles with the
Stumblers. Beth said she started running with
the Stumblers
with her parents, Barry and Judy Collins, way back when "big hair" was
the style. Beth's husband, Chris, is in the army and Beth, living the nomadic life of a soldier's wife,
continued to run with the Stumblers whenever she was visiting her
parents. She is proof that perseverance pays off. As Beth
finished her 500th mile, her daughters Amanda and Julia cheered
her on.
June 23, 2007 - Rhonda
Uber became the most recent member of the 500 Mile Club. Seems
like just the other day
was completing her first run with the Stumblers in snowy conditions.
Come to think of it, the first several Saturdays that Rhonda came
out we had less than ideal weather. Thankfully, better weather
finally came and we could stop blaming Rhonda for bad weather.
March 24th 2007-
Annual Good Neighbor Roadside Cleanup
a Great Success

About 25 Stumblers gave of their time to
clean up 8 miles of Clark County roadside. This is a TRS community service
project to show the Clark County community our appreciation for running through
their beautiful countryside. 45 bags of trash were collected. The
club earned a "bounty" for the litter cleanup and donated the
money to the BackPack program in Clark County. This program is designed to
meet the needs of hungry children at times when other resources are not
available, such as weekends and school vacations.
Thanks to all
who participated!!